title'Dynamic Labor Force Participation Decisions of Males in the Presence of Layoffs and Uncertain Job Offers'author'Füsun Gönül'url'http://www.jstor.org/stable/145853'abstract'This paper presents a utility maximization model of workers who make decisions to work or not over a lifetime. The objective is to maximize the presented discounted value of utility arising from the participation decisions. In addition to duration dependence introduced through time-variant job offer and layoff probabilities, state dependence enters the model by the existence of a different risk while working, namely, the dismissal risk, than the one while not working, namely, the possibility of no job offers. A dynamic programming algorithm is solved and estimated within a maximum likelihood routine, with data from the National Longitudinal Surveys youth cohort.'journal'The Journal of Human Resources'year'1989'Undefined'0022166X''2''195--220''[University of Wisconsin Press, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System]''24'